Quest Source Code v1.1 by Trey Harrison ( and Chris Carollo ( Release Notes November 23rd, 1996 ---------------------- ------- Welcome ------- HI! And Welcome to the Quest Source Code (v1.1) Release Notes! I've done the best I could arranging the modules, and including information below that hopefully explains the basics of how Quest works. There is some legal information you definitely need to know about, find it in legal.txt. Read it, learn it, love it, obey it. We dont want people ripping off our 5 months of work. All of the C and H files will compile into one nice 32-bit DOS4GW executable (just run wmake), assuming you have all your environment variables for Watcom set correctly. And if you arent using watcom, well, I wish you the best of luck. The one .pas file will compile with Turbo Pascal 7.0 (or probably any old version of pascal, but just to be on the safe side, I thought I'd let you know what I used to compile it 6 months ago when it was written). Even if you dont have Pascal, it doesnt matter, because I've included the executable that does the menu.txt -> menu.dat conversion. The format of the menu.txt file should be self explanatory. The "mappings" of the function ID's seen in the menu.txt file can be found in the menu_exe() function in the menu.c module. ----------------------------------- The Official Quest Seal of Approval ----------------------------------- We can't have 5 different "new" version of Quest floating around. Similarly, we can't have 5 different versions of a Win95 Quest port flying around. So, before you release your port or your new version, you must have the OK from Chris Carollo and Trey Harrison. It is unlikely that we will allow more than 1 version of Quest per platform. So if you are seriously trying to port it, I suggest letting us know about it and sending us a working demo as soon as possible. Otherwise we'll be sure to put your name on our page under the category of "People who released a Quest derivitive work without our Seal of Approval". And if you sell it, well then we'll definitely be doing a bit more than putting your name on a blacklist. Read legal.txt for more information. -------------------------------- Here is the flow of the program: -------------------------------- 1) Init Everything: a. Init list variables to NULL, strings to \0, etc b. Read the config file (quest.cfg) c. Read the mdl info file (mdlref.lst) d. Load a map from the command line if specified or create a new one (and then init the camera positions) e. Init the video mode (set up screen buffer also) f. Init the mouse g. Init the "display" (load bitmap graphics, palette, etc) h. Load the menu data file and init the menu system i. Init the Tool Buttons j. Init the keyboard handler k. Update all of the viewports l. Copy the screen buffer to video memory m. Draw the mouse 2) The Main Loop: { if the exit flag is set, then exit Find the mouse. Depending on what section of the screen its in, call an appropriate handler. Update the mouse position. Process any key presses. } 3) Exit the program: a. Save the configuration file b. Shut off the keyboard handler --------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an explanation of some of the more important functions: --------------------------------------------------------------- FindMouse(), mouse.c -------------------- Determines which "window" the mouse is over. There are 5 windows: Status window, menu window, tool window, message window, and map window. UpdateMap(), display.c ---------------------- Called from the main loop. Depending on what mode Quest is in and whether or not the mouse is just sitting there or if it has been clicked in the active viewport or in an unactive viewport, call appropriate an appropriate handler or activate a viewport / deactivate another, etc. UpdateMenu(), menu.c -------------------- Called from the main loop. Highlights the menu entry the mouse is over, checks for a click. If there is a mouse click, calls Menu_Exe which determines (by the menu id numbers) what to do from there. More menu information can be garnered from menu.txt and menucnv.pas. UpdateMsg(), message.c ---------------------- Called from the main loop. Just scrolls the message window if necessary. UpdateTool(), tool.c -------------------- Called from the main loop. Checks to see if any tool buttons have been clicked and takes appropriate actions. UpdateViewport() / UpdateAllViewports(), 3d.c --------------------------------------------- Called from all throughout the program whenever the screen needs to be "rendered". These functions, along with DrawViewport() and DrawBSPTree() are the core map drawing functions. UpdateViewport() is what you would call to update a specific viewport (note that there are a max of 3 viewports, all of which are in the map window). UpdateAllViewports() is what you would call to update all of the currently visible viewports. RefreshPart() / RefreshScreen(), video.c ---------------------------------------- This does the copying from the screen buffer to video memory. Very few things are written directly to video memory (the mouse is all that comes to mind at the moment). RefreshPart will copy any rectangular portion of the screen buffer, RefreshScreen() will copy the entire screen buffer. UpdateMouse(), mouse.c ---------------------- Updates the mouse's position and also takes a screenshot if applicable. Hows that for poor design. UpdateMouse() is called more than any other function. Demo recording used to go through it. Anyway it calls a DOS interrupt to get the mouse's position, erases the old mouse, draws the new position, stores the previous position and new position in the global mouse variable (aptly named "mouse"). So anytime you want the mouse's coordinates as of the last UpdateMouse, mouse.x and mouse.y are what you want. GetMousePos(), mouse.c ---------------------- Use this if you want to update the mouse variable without drawing the new mouse position to the screen. Examining the code will show you that GetMousePos() is actually called by UpdateMouse(). TestKey(), keyboard.c --------------------- Call this with the scancode of the key you want to check. It will return TRUE if its pressed, FALSE if it isnt. Q_free(), Q_malloc(), Q_realloc(), memory.c ------------------------------------------- These functions handle all memory allocation / reallocation / freeing. They work exactly like their standard C counterparts (malloc, free, realloc). They also update the memused variable (useful in tracking down memory leaks / bugs). --------------------------------------------- Here is an explanation of some of the modules --------------------------------------------- 3D.C: Handles most of the 3D matrix and drawing operations. The core 3D and 2D line-rendering module. POLY.C: Handles the Z-buffered polygon drawing stuff. BSP.C: Handles everything having to do with BSP stuff. Calls very few functions outside of its own. Building the tree, clipping faces,traversing the tree, rasterizing and drawing the faces is all done in it. CAMERA.C: Handles camera movement (looking up, down, left, right, moving, etc). CONFIG.C: Reads and Writes from the Quest.Cfg file. Also has a function LoadSetup() that reads the Quest setup from a .map file. DISPLAY.C: Handles bitmap loading, registering, finding, drawing. Handles the map window too, for some reason. EDBRUSH.C: Handles brush and brush vertex editing. Moving brushes, copying brushes, selecting brushes, selecting brush vertices, checking the convexivity of a brush, making new brushes, scaling and rotating, etc. EDENT.C,EDFACE.C,EDSCRIPT.C: Do basically the same thing as edbrush.c for entities, faces, and scripts. ENTITY.C: Handles entity initialization, setting key/value pairs, etc. ERROR.C: Has the HandleError() function. thats pretty much it. GEOM.C: Has the geometric functions that every good boy should know and love (Normalize a vector, Crossproduct 2 vectors, dot product 2 vectors, get the sign of a number, etc). NEWGROUP.C: Handles group manipulations (creating the world group, creating user specified groups, the group picker window, the group popup window, removing groups, loading group info from a file, etc). Actual Group Loading and Saving is done in MAP.C. KEYBOARD.C: Has the keyboard handler and the TestKey function. MAP.C: Handles all map loading and saving. Also handles group loading and saving. Uses a lot of CSG routines from clip.c during the map loading process. MDL.C: Handles all mdl loading / drawing. MENU.C: Handles all menu functions. Drawing the menu, highlighting different parts of the menu, calling menu functions, etc. MESSAGE.C: Handles message scrolling, displaying, dumping, etc. MOUSE.C: Handles all mouse operations. Init, Drawing, "Un"drawing, updating the position, determining which window on the screen it is in. Also handles taking screenshots, also handles demo playback and recording (which may or may not still work). QUI.C: Handles all aspects of the user interface except for most of the popup windows (those are in POPUPWIN.C and TEMPPOP.C). Handles drawing buttons, making buttons out of text, drawing strings, drawing characters, loading / registering fonts, redrawing any of the 5 "windows" (status, menu, message, tool, map) STATUS.C: Updates the status window, also sets preferences from within Quest. TOOL.C: Updates the tool window. VIDEO.C: Contains many video operations. The only ones called frequently are RefreshScreen,RefreshPart, and the line drawing primitives. VBE.C: Contains VBE 1.2 interface routines. This is based heavily upon code by Bob Pendleton. He has a fantastic page at FILE.C: Contains WAD interface functions. Reading textures from wads, primarily. Also gets directory and file lists, also has functions to read strings of input from the keyboard. Dont ask why its in file.c =). POPUPWIN.C,TEMPPOP.C: Has all file popup windows, also texture selection popup window, also has the entity popup window. MEMORY.C: Has the old and new memory scheme. The "new" memory scheme likely does not work. Either will do your basic malloc, realloc, and free. CLIP.C: Has the somewhat complex CSG operations: face splitting, brush building, brush intersection (AddBrushes()), brush subtraction (SubtractBrushes()). -------------------- Info on the .h files -------------------- DEFINES.H: Contains all #defines (well, most of them). Keys, window names, a few macro functions. PROCS.H: Contains almost all of the function prototypes. This is a pretty lame way of doing things, but oh well. TYPES.H: Contains all type definitions except for mdl types (which can be found in mdl.h). GLOBALS.H: Contains *references* to global variables. Most of the globals are instantiated in quest.c, and refered to in globals.h ie in quest.c, you might find: char mapfilename[128]; and in globals.h: extern char mapfilename[128]; This is basically to provide easy access to all the often used variables in the program without having to keep passing them around as function arguments. Final Comments -------------- If you were to port Quest, there are only a few things you need to worry about: rewriting the UpdateMouse and GetMousePos functions so that they actually work on whatever platform you are compiling for. Rewrite the RefreshScreen and RefreshPart functions so that they actually draw from the virtual screen buffer to the screen. Rewrite TestKey() and the keyboard interrupt so that they actually work on your platform. Find the very few spots where we used assembler and, well, do something about it :) Its been real, its been fun, its even been real fun. Look for our names in future big coding projects! Chris Carollo and Trey Harrison